Friday, February 18, 2011

Leaving tomorrow!

We are ready!  Mema has arrived, the suitcases are completely packed, Don and the boys headed off for one last night-skiing trip, and I am just about to sit down and relax.  Then . . . the adoption agency calls and tells us that China has shortened the mandatory time stay and we can come home two days early if we want.  WHAT????  What to do?  Of course I want to return home to the boys ASAP, but, I also want to enjoy our visit to China and see as much as we can!  It was a stressful couple of hours of phone calls to the travel agent and our adoption coordinator, but in the end, there were no flights.  So, we are back on for a full two weeks.  Now I can sit down and try to relax! (I'm starting to feel a bit jumpy now . . .)

See you in China!

1 comment:

  1. By the time you get there you will want to come home early, but by the time you get home you'll wish you could go back again, so things probably worked out for the best!

