Wu Yi loves her Daddy! After 4 months of worry and rejection, this relationship finally transformed! It just took a bit of time together and suddenly there it is! This girl, once again, astounds us all with her ability to trust, bond, and love.
We spent a fun 3 days camping at Priest Lake this weekend. Wu Yi was the only one brave enough to get in the cold water and she delighted in grabbing Don's hand and trying to pull him in. When he screamed like a girl (sorry Don, but true) at the water temperature, she laughed and splashed him. When he retreated to the beach, she would grab his hand and start all over again. Its a mystery how she is so brave in the water. I don't think she has any experience with it. Goggles are a must. We are very careful to try and keep her face dry, as she has trouble in the bathtub with any water getting near her nose.
She saw her first fireworks, and oohed and aahed over them. "Beautiful".
She caught 4 fish on her Barbie rod, and demanded to help with the cleaning and cooking of them. Of course, she also ate them ~ fish is one of her favorite things to eat. She is very domestic ~ loves to help with any chore. Why can't my boys be more like her???
Kellen learns to ride
Wu Yi and Evan on the boat
Making birthday cakes in the sand
Daniel, Wu Yi and Kellen
Its been such a fun week of activities. I haven't heard much about her planned return to China. She did ask about how Don and I decided to adopt her. I told her how we wanted a daughter with black hair and black eyes and then saw her picture on the computer. I explained how the nannies at the orphanage told us that she needed a Mommy and Daddy (she is still confused about this ~ she doesn't understand why the orphanage wasn't her permanent home) and that we asked if we could have her and they said "yes". She thought about this for awhile and then asked me if I could ask the nannies if we could have Yu Cheeong. I told her that Yu Cheeong already has a new Mommy and Daddy that are going to get her. She was not happy about this. She then asked if we could ask for the rest of her friends to come be in our family. So sad that we cannot do this. I think about those kids everyday and hope they each find their own families.
This is great news! Hopefully the upward trend continues.