Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 10 ~ Lucy's and New Friends

Wu Yi and I slept in until 9 this morning!  She is an awesome sleeper and I stay up too late at night on the computer having my daily "me" time.  Don has been getting up early to put on his running shoes and explore the streets of Guangzhou.  Fortunately he doesn't take his camera on his runs, so I can trust he will stay out of trouble and make it back to the hotel safely.  :)  Then its down to breakfast ~ Wu Yi is no longer shy about letting us know what she wants to eat (from the buffet or pointing to pictures on menus) and its always fun to see what she eats.  She likes quite a variety and she can really eat alot!
We spent the morning taking a taxi back to Shamian Island with the McCains and Chens for one last shopping trip ~ we are so sad to be saying goodbye to the McCains as they leave for home tomorrow.  Don has mastered the fine art of "bargaining with little Chinese women" for souveniers ~ they probably only chuckled a little to the bank this time.  We went to the White Swan Hotel looking for the famous "red couch" that adopted kids all line up for photos on, only to find out that the couch no longer exists.  There are "other" red couches there, but we decided to spare Wu Yi the agony of another photo.  She really doesn't like to be on camera, and today she actually pushed me away from her when I tried to pose for a photo.  Then it was off to lunch at the famous "Lucy's" ~ a restaurant in the park on Shamian that caters to the American families who have had enough Chinese food.  We sat outside and ate spaghetti and burgers ~ beautiful scenery and beautiful weather here!
We spent the afternoon at the Yunsai Gardens and enjoyed displays of colorful flowers ~ Wu Yi still not a big fan of walking around, but an ice cream cone always perks her up. :)
This evening, we went out for Malaysian food (yes, we are eating almost constantly here!) with two other WACAP families that just arrived.  It is such a sense of community here with other adoptive families thoughout our hotel.  One of the families (from Ohio) is adopting a 6 year old and we sat next to them at our table.  We are excited about this because, so far, we haven't met anyone adopting a child near the age of WuYi.  The two girls didn't talk to each other, but Wu Yi definitely noticed that the other girl was speaking Chinese.  She stared at her through much of the meal.  We are going to the zoo with them tomorrow.  I hope Wu Yi has fun.  She seems bored, sad, or angry most of the day.  She did call the orphanage today and cried a bit ~ its been a full 3 days of no crying.  I'm actually glad she had an opportunity to break down and not be so strong.  Such a huge transition for such a small girl.

1 comment:

  1. The end of this post is sad but sweet, and I think you're right-she's probably trying very hard to be brave right now.

    Aidan ate a LOT too! I'm still struggling with that at home, because he has gone from there not being enough food and never having seconds to food always being available-in the cabinet, fridge, etc., and I think he indulges in some overeating because he can that stems from overeating at first because he could and it might not last. The adventure doesn't end in China :-)

    I noticed the red boots, but the outfit is different and cute!

